Tuesday 20 September 2016

Induction Week - Day Five

Induction Week - Day Five

Date Published: 20/09/2016
Date Event Happened: 16/09/2016

I wish they'd told us Thursday, during the lunch we were supposed to meet at QUAD at 2, instead of the university. I hadn't checked my emails, so I didn't know about this change until two days later. 
I wasn't the only one though. It was nice to spend time with Stacey and Imogen.

After waiting around at the university for an hour, only to find out they had gone (at this point, we didn't know about the change in location), Stacey, Imogen and I walked into town. 

Stopping off at Sir Peter Hilton, Imogen decided to head back to Nunnery. This left Stacey and I to head back to town.
I didn't have to cook dinner that night. Like on the day we met, we had McDonald's, taking advantage of the offer on the back of our bus ticket. 

Nothing much really happened after that. Friday was the laziest day of Induction Week. 
I wish I could update you more on that.

The lectures will be part of a weekly post, so I'll next update Saturday.


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