Monday 31 July 2017

Top 10 Tips For Clearing

Top 10 Tips for Clearing

Almost a year has passed since I went through Clearing. My teachers never prepared us for it. They were convinced we'd all make our firm or insurance choice. 

I can remember Results Day 2016 well. I was devastated to have not got the required grades for my firm or insurance choice. That was the first day one of my teachers told me to get on the phone and apply through Clearing. 
Calling my firm and insurance choice, only to be turned down was heartbreaking. I felt lost. 
Did I want to go to university?
Will I get a place somewhere?
What about accommodation?
Will I like the campus?
Will I like the course?
I asked all those questions. Before I could answer, I had to find out which universities were accepting for clearing on my course. 

Here are my top 10 tips for clearing.
  1. Register for clearing prior to Results Day. If you're unsure about how well you did, it won't hurt to register.
  2. Familiarise yourself with the UCAS website: Universities post courses with spaces available for clearing up to, and after Results Day. I recommend writing down the universities. It makes Clearing a lot easier when you know which universities are offering the course. If you want to, include Foundation versions of your course.
  3. To link to point two, utilise the UCAS course search function. From the end of July right up to results day, I was checking every other day for universities offering my course of Creative Writing. 
  4. Read other students accounts on clearing. There are a lot of accounts out there. I have one I wrote during my first week at university, which you can read as well. 
  5. Utilise The Student Room. Teachers and students alike recommend it and it is a perfectly good source to have. I would have been a lot less prepared had I not been using it. 
  6. On Results Day, talk to your teachers. They are there to help and will point you in the right direction in terms of Clearing. 
  7. Call the university yourself. Your parents aren't the ones going to university, you are. The university want to speak to you. Doing it yourself shows resilience and the clearing team will appreciate that. They are very friendly people and put me at ease. 
  8. Be prepared for rejection. I called both my firm and insurance and tried to apply for my course and was rejected from both of them.
  9. Once you have an offer from a university, get out of the one held by your firm or insurance. Usually the university will call or email you and ask if you want that offer, or if you want to be let go. 
  10. VISIT THE UNIVERSITY! It will be a stressful few days, but trust me, seeing the university and the town/city you will be living in for the next few years really helps.

I wish I had these top 10 tips when I was going through Clearing. I followed what The Student Room said, so I was slightly more prepared than perhaps I should have been.
I called up expecting to do the Foundation Creative and Professional Writing Course (because of my grades), and ended up on the BA Hons Creative and Professional Writing Course at the University of Derby. It was by far the best choice I made. I have amazing friends, my confidence has improved tenfold and I'm working towards a degree in something I really want to do. Clearing doesn't have to be daunting.

To end on a positive, Clearing is not daunting, or something to be embarrassed of. Just take a deep breath and power through the stress the coming days will bring. Exams are not the most important thing either and worrying will not make the time pass any quicker. 

Have fun and good luck with your results! 


Saturday 31 December 2016



Sitting down to write this post, I realise how much of a crazy year this has been.
This year, I turned eighteen, finished my A Levels and started university! 

In January, I got the chance to go to the BFI Library with college. This was really exciting for me, as I am still a film enthusiast. Although I wish I had chosen a different topic, I do not regret making full use of the resources.
Spending the day in London with some of my friends wasn't too bad either. 

In February, I turned eighteen. I had been looking forwards to my eighteenth, although I refused (still do) to admit that I am an adult.
The highlight was definitely visiting Leavesden Studios for the Harry Potter Studio Tour. I remember the excitement I felt visiting the tour, sitting in the car and seeing the studios for the first time. I still feel that rush of excitement when I go back. 

In March, I went to London for the first time alone. I ended up with a date, which did not end well. I am not going to divulge into the matter further. It did make a hilarious piece of writing for my portfolio. 

In April, I went to see 5 Seconds of Summer with Chloe. This time we stayed in a hotel and we were both very grown up about it. I actually managed to check us in and check us out without having a breakdown about talking to a stranger.
It was also great to see Layla afterwards.
The deja vu feeling was weird and difficult to explain. Perhaps I will explain it in a future post.

Most of what I remember from May and June was revision and exams. I was definitely glad when they were over. All I could think was, NO MORE EXAMS!

July and the majority of August were a well deserved break.
In July, it was a family holiday. My last one before university and I loved every minute of it. I always love playing games on family holidays. We never really play them much at home. 
In August, I traveled down to my grandparents with a small suitcase and no laptop. Even though I suffered withdrawals from my laptop, and was in bed for a day with a migraine, I had such a fantastic time.
I loved visiting places I used to visit with them when I was younger. My favourite is always Portland Bill. Now I am reminiscing on the year, I am starting to remember when I came up with the term 'rocknic.' I don't know how old I was, or what I was wearing, or eating, but I remember where I was sat and saying it. To this day, the term still stands.

Results Day was one of the most emotional days I had experienced. I had my usual Results Day coffee and had actually eaten. I covered Results Day in one of my first posts.
That day did teach me I was a lot more resilient than I first thought. Now I have completed my first semester, I am glad at where I ended up. 

Moving out (which I also covered in another post), in September was one of the toughest, yet most rewarding things I have done.
The lessons I learnt in the first week, though tough, I have carried throughout the semester and I am still learning. 

The rest of the year, I think I have covered in previous blog posts. I will cover Harry Potter World during 2017, most likely around my birthday!

I feel like I have survived the semester through laughing. I have a fantastic group of friends in Derby, I still talk to my friends from Basingstoke (even with a couple of them at university) and I still talk to and see family. 

I am in a great place in my life, and I hope 2017 brings me more joy, and more lessons to learn. 
And I will continue to document it on here. 

Sunday 27 November 2016



Tonight, as I sit and watch X Factor, I think back to this time last year. 

I had conditional offers from four universities - Greenwich, Liverpool John Moores, DeMont Fort and Edge Hill. I had decided on Greenwich and started to befriend people who would be in the same accommodation as I had chosen. 

I had also finished my practical Drama performance. Although I knew I was sharing classes with my peers for the rest of the year, I was scared doing theory work wouldn't be the same atmosphere as it was with practical - I am pleased to say this was not the case. 

In 2015, if you had told me I was going to be at Derby University studying Creative and Professional Writing, I would have been skeptical; but would not have blown off the idea. 
However, if you had added I would have made friends with really incredible, funny, creative people, that's where I would not have believed.
Though I was dead set on Greenwich, I am so glad Clearing resulted in me attending Derby University. 

The friends I've made and the improvement in writing I've seen, has really made me believe I made the right choice.
The first semester ends in a couple of weeks. I would not have been able to get through it without laughing with my friends. 

I write this because at present I have an idea for a story (which my friends will know all about the characters) and it covers some themes I haven't really explored within my stories before.
I put this idea down to being around like minded people and being friends with the people I am friends with. 

I'm going to leave this vague and unedited because when I look back on this post, I want to be able to fill in the blanks and see if they are still the same.


Sunday 13 November 2016

Giddy Mood

Giddy Mood

All week I've been in a giddy mood. It's the sort of giddy that you're aware of, but can't explain. 

On Monday night, I took cold and flu medicine. I think that's what started this giddy mood. I should have taken the paracetamol and codeine for my back then and cold and flu in the morning. So much caffeine!  
The caffeine meant I was up until about midnight. So much for an early night.

On Tuesday, my giddy mood started about seven o'clock. I had taken paracetamol and ibroprufen which kicked in during my lecture. It wasn't until after the lecture the giddiness started. 
I don't know what caused it, but it stayed for about four hours. 

On Wednesday, despite being indoors all day, I was still giddy. 
I never expected coursework to make me giddy like that. Yet it started about seven o'clock again. And lasted for four hours, again!

On Thursday, my giddy mood started a lot earlier. I think it might have started in the lecture.
This time, I think I was watching YouTube videos, but I was still laughing and giddy and in a completely different headspace.

On Friday, my giddy mood was there from about two o'clock. And it stayed the enitre day.
The same with Saturday.

Even today, by one o'clock, I'm back in this giddy mood!

I am not drunk or on illegal drugs. 
If I was drunk, I would be emotional. 

I'm hoping this isn't the Christmas Spirit entering me because it's still somewhat too early for Christmas. 

At least I'm not sad during my days. 


Sunday 6 November 2016

Friends and Family

Friends and Family

It's been difficult to find the right words to explain how I felt going home to see my friends and family.

I loathe train journeys. They're filled with germs and I always end up in the tightest space. I still prefer them over coach journeys.
At least I can read my book on the train and not feel like I'm going to throw up.

The train journey wasn't too bad.
The coffee I bought wasn't that great, but caffeine was required, so I didn't have much of a choice.

The changeover at Reading gave me twenty minutes to rest. Having been from Reading Station to Basingstoke numerous times over the past seven years, I know which platform I need to be on to catch the right train.

Stepping out of Basingstoke Train Station, I took in a deep breath and sighed.
I never thought there would be anyone who smiled upon arriving in Basingstoke. I was wrong. I was that person.
I missed the Pokestops...the things I used to see and take for granted; the colours and the smells coming from the vendors selling food.

Even walking around Festival Place, I missed the familiarity of the town.
I only noted one different shop from previous years; the Halloween shop.
I smiled walking past the Christmas shop. I have fond memories of Costa Wednesdays at Christmas; walking around the shop and singing along to Buble.
We'll have to do that again next time we spend time together.

I even got to spend half an hour in the library. Usually, I'd be writing a page or two of my latest story. This time, I just continued to read my book.

I first saw Mum. I waited for her to finish work before going off to meet my friends at McDonald's - better luck with that when I next go home.

It was incredible to hug Mum. I missed her hugs so much!
Managing to download the past month and a half into twenty five minutes was an incredible feat in itself.
I even managed to give my brother a little hug!

Off to see friends. Despite the planning, only three friends turned up. We'll try again next month.
It was nice to just let go.
My humour really shone through and I was around people I was truly comfortable with. I love my uni friends, but having a lot of inside jokes with my friends back home, I was truly happy to go back to them.

Seeing Dad was brilliant!
I missed the hugs and missed the verbal download. It isn't the same talking down the phone as it is talking face to face.

I missed it so much!
I was fed properly (again)!

Saturday morning, I was more than happy to wake up early and head into town.
Surprisingly, I still remembered the bus times.

I have to be early for everything.
I hate being late, I hate the stress that comes with being late.

I definitely missed Rixxy.
Do you have that friend, who you just bounce off of? It doesn't matter if it's jokes or ideas, you just know that to other people you sound crazy.
Rixxy is that friend.
Cue laughter, food and planning ahead.

Then, with Rixxy, I got to see Chloe and her boyfriend.
Best two hours of my life.
It just felt like a group of friends hanging out.
Two hours of non stop laughter.

I still had energy in the tank to see Grandad.
He looked happy to see me. One of the cats had forgotten who I was; the other curled up and fell asleep on me for twenty minutes.
At least I was only writing on my phone and not a notebook.

Sunday was packed.
I made an effort to dress formally for my brothers Tae Kwon Do grading.

Seeing people I've known for years was awesome.
I missed all of them so much; despite most of my friends having gone off to do their own thing since we trained together.
I was so proud of Kieran for passing his midterm; but more proud of the person who I class as my closest friend at the academy. Well done on getting your Kickboxing black belt!

It was wonderful to see Grandma and Grandad!

I realise this entire post is me using different synonyms of incredible to describe seeing friends and family.

Of course, I can't forget spending the week with my family up in Derby, and seeing my Aunt and cousins.
It's always a pleasure to see them. I adore spending the weekend with my Aunt.

I don't feel I've adequately put into words what it was like seeing my friends and family, but it's the best I can express right now.


Friday 7 October 2016

Missing Friends

Missing Friends

Date Posted: 07/10/2016

As I sit on the train to spend the weekend with my Aunt and cousins, I think forwards to the next time I will get to see my friends.

It got me thinking about distance. Despite being 150 miles from home and most of my friends, our friendship is still strong.
Although we don't talk as much as we used to, I know I can still talk to any of them and it would be like it was before I moved.

I adore my new friends, but when I'm in a reflective mood, I think back to my friends at home.
If you asked me to say my favourite thing about each of my friends from home, I would be unable to answer. It would be the same if you asked me to pick one thing I miss about them.

I have a favourite memory with each of my friends. Every time I'm down, I think of that.
I'm also very certain I've experienced deja vu with them.

I know I'm especially missing my friends when I dream of them.
They're always things we would usually do, such as playing Cards Against Humanity in the college canteen, eating McDonald's, having coffee or going to concerts.

This is different from promising to stay friends with people from secondary school. That was mostly empty promises. I did stay in contact with few, but that number has shrunk since finishing college. These friends, most of them I made in college and they made college incredible. I promised myself I would stay in contact. These are the people I want in my future, the people who understand me and like me, for me.

At Christmas, I wrote little messages of what these people meant to me. Each one was unique and personal to the person receiving the card.
I'm so glad I wrote them. This year, seeing them will be more meaningful than the words.

I do want to try and write a couple of lines about each of my friends that I am truly missing.
Chloe, I am so proud of you and the person you've become in the past few months. 💕
Eleanor, every time I have Costa, I think of all our Costa Wednesdays together. I hope you're enjoying uni! 💕
Karl, Keep making music. I'm still supporting you no matter how far away I am.
Seamus, It's still crazy that we became friends because of Cards Against Humanity. Always keep working on your drawings.
Ben, It feels strange to not be teasing you. But I honestly do miss the short jokes. I hope you're enjoying uni and please don't grow any taller. 😂
Becky, Thank you for all the concert memories. Even though we're not as close as we used to be, I'm so glad we're still friends. 💕
Layla, You're incredible! Seriously, I admire how you're being yourself, even when times are tough. I miss talking 5SOS with you. 💕
Stockdale, There's truly no escaping each other. There's always a meme or a post we find to tag each other in. And I love that we keep it up. Let's never stop doing that.
Rixxy, Well we have gone through a lot in the short time we've known each other. I still remember the day we met, but by far you are the friend I can count on to cheer me up, no matter how down I get.

I'm sure I'll change this post if I think of more friends I miss.
I love and miss you all like crazy. 💕


Sunday 2 October 2016

Bad Day

Bad Day

Date Published: 02/10/2016
Date Happened: 02/10/2016

Lets forget about the headache for a minute. That probably isn't helping my mood, but it's not the sole cause of it today. 

Printing. Printing is part of my bad mood. I do like my housemate, but sometimes she can irritate me, especially with the amount of printing she does, it's absurd. 
I have a print limit, thanks to HP Instant Ink. We've only had it in a week. I've printed 10 pages, maximum. She's printed 45 pages! 45!
As I type this, she comes in and tells me she's bought a Printer. Well, she came in without knocking. Another pet peeve of mine. Still, it's the best news I've heard all day.

Editing. I don't mind editing someone's work. I fully believe it helps them grow as a writer, by learning how to do things themselves.
But as I edit, I always wonder; Will they actually take on board my advice?
I've edited before, on a much larger scale than an assignment, and out of those that I've helped, only one has taken on my advice. ONE! And it infuriates me. I have much better things to be doing than editing someone else's work, who really doesn't care about the work and energy it actually takes.
As I grow as an Author and learn how to give constructive feedback, I wonder is it all really worth it?
Like I said, I do like editing. I like it even more when someone listens to my advice and works with it. It makes me feel like I've done something useful with my time. 

Going back to my housemate, she'll call up the stairs but her voice will get quieter. What is the point of calling for me, if you don't yell the full sentence?
I'm not psychic.I don't have super hearing. If I don't hear, then I have to move and that takes effort. Especially when I'm in a bad mood.

There is something that has made this day bearable. I have been binge watching The Flash for the past couple of days. I've never been one for Superhero films or TV Shows. If I like one, I will watch it.
Usually, it's Superman. However, as Tom Felton is in Season Three of The Flash, Star Power convinced me to watch the first two Seasons. I have been watching on and off through Season Two, but I haven't sat through the first Season.

I have sold my soul to The Flash. Which is apparent, as I have searched up fanfiction. I have fallen victim to Barry Allen and co. And I have no regrets. 
I enjoy binge watching, although this was nowhere near the scale of binge watching Supernatural. Which, I very almost did before Season 11 was aired. 
So yes, selling my soul to yet another fandom, made this day bearable. 

I suppose there are other factors that could contribute to my bad mood. And I know these reasons are petty. 
But I needed to write.
I needed to keep calm and blog on.
