Sunday, 27 November 2016



Tonight, as I sit and watch X Factor, I think back to this time last year. 

I had conditional offers from four universities - Greenwich, Liverpool John Moores, DeMont Fort and Edge Hill. I had decided on Greenwich and started to befriend people who would be in the same accommodation as I had chosen. 

I had also finished my practical Drama performance. Although I knew I was sharing classes with my peers for the rest of the year, I was scared doing theory work wouldn't be the same atmosphere as it was with practical - I am pleased to say this was not the case. 

In 2015, if you had told me I was going to be at Derby University studying Creative and Professional Writing, I would have been skeptical; but would not have blown off the idea. 
However, if you had added I would have made friends with really incredible, funny, creative people, that's where I would not have believed.
Though I was dead set on Greenwich, I am so glad Clearing resulted in me attending Derby University. 

The friends I've made and the improvement in writing I've seen, has really made me believe I made the right choice.
The first semester ends in a couple of weeks. I would not have been able to get through it without laughing with my friends. 

I write this because at present I have an idea for a story (which my friends will know all about the characters) and it covers some themes I haven't really explored within my stories before.
I put this idea down to being around like minded people and being friends with the people I am friends with. 

I'm going to leave this vague and unedited because when I look back on this post, I want to be able to fill in the blanks and see if they are still the same.


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