Wednesday, 14 September 2016

Moving Day

Moving Day

Date Posted: 14/09/2016
Date Event Happened: 01/09/2016 - 04/09/2016

Moving Day was a day I had been both dreading and looking forwards to. I was excited to move and experience life as a student, but I was also dreading leaving my friends and family behind.

On Thursday, I met up with one of my best friends Eleanor for Costa. This was our last, what we dubbed "Costa Wednesday" before we went off to university. I think this is why coffee has been my coping mechanism for my nerves. Eleanor and I just sit, have tea/coffee/cold drink and talk. It's been that way since we started college. 
After Costa, a recent adjustment we added to it, we went to Waterstones. We walked the entire ground floor, picking up books, reading the blurbs and admiring the covers. It was a really nice hour in there. 

Once home on Thursday, I found a card from my Aunt. My cousin wrote her name and I always find it adorable. It was a really nice gesture. 

On Friday, I met up with my college friends. I knew I was going to miss Eleanor and Chloe, but I'd seen these friends every day during term time and we have a myriad of inside jokes, so I felt like I was going to miss them the most. I miss all of them equally, I'm not favouring my friends. 
We did what we always seemed to do on a Friday. We met up for McDonald's. I was early, due to bus times and cheaper fares. Karl was also early. Layla was on time, whilst Ben and Liam were late. Sadly Seamus and Liam didn't come, but I don't resent them for it. I still miss them. 
We had a lot of inside jokes, including one about Taylor Swift. But if I told you, it wouldn't be an inside joke any more, so I'll leave you guessing. 

Saturday was the day I left Basingstoke to start life as a student in Derby. There were a lot of tears, with emotions running high. It was great to see Chloe, as we've been best friends since what feels like our first day at secondary school. Seven years is a long time to know each other. That probably sparked the friendship tears, as she was the last friend I would see before I left. 
I may have cried more, if I'd seen my neighbours, who I've known fifteen years (that's insane!). The three eldest were my best friends from about the age of four to twelve. Then secondary school kicked in and we drifted apart. The fond memories are there and without them, I doubt I'd be the geek I am now.

Saying bye to Dad was difficult. He'd recently had major surgery and was unable to come with us, due to being tired etc. There were tears and heartfelt conversations, including the quote; "You have to let them fly the nest." It was something along those lines, I was very emotional. 

We left Basingstoke around ten o'clock, arriving in Derby just before one. There, I met my landlords, looked around the house, signed the contract etc. 
We didn't find the TV aerial until the Sunday morning, so Mum and Kieran stayed the night up in Derby.

Silence. I found on Sunday morning silence was a curse. It was so obvious and my thoughts consumed me.
I think in that moment, I related to the lyrics of Car Radio by Twenty One Pilots. 

I have these thoughts so often I ought,
To replace that slot with what I once bought,
'Cause somebody stole my car radio,
And now I just sit in silence.

I do know what the song means and it's nothing deep and meaningful at all. But the lyrics are so poetic, that I can't help but think about a deeper meaning to them. Everyone interprets the lyrics differently, but at that moment, I felt like I resonated with the lyrics. 

We managed to sort everything that we didn't sort on the Sunday, except for the door lock. The door lock gave up on us. Which ensued a stressful few hours.
Mum and Kieran had to leave during the time Dennis and Ann (my landlords), were putting temporary locks on the door. I'll discuss the door lock story in the next blog post, which will be about my first week. 

Saying goodbye to Mum and Kieran was tough. I would no longer have the brother to bug me about not playing Pokemon Go or telling he could go on the Playstation in my presence, I mean.
The tears started before Mum left. It was the hardest thing, because I do a lot of things outside the house with Mum and lot inside the house with Dad. 

Although it would only be for two days, I would be alone in the house, in a new place, a week before starting university. 

I'll do a post about my first week in Derby tomorrow. 


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